Overwatch Gamers Surprised with a Sigma Bug

The Overwatch fandom has been enjoying the game over the past few months and this popular gaming title has proven to be indeed a successful one. Yet, every now and then popular games – like Fortnite, Overwatch, PUBG and Minecraft – face some troubles and issues stemming from delayed updates, required modes and features or system bugs!

Overwatch – Security Bug

Recently, the players of Overwatch were struck with a weird Sigma bug that causes his animations to be frozen in a hilarious and fun position. This weird Sigma glitch isn’t of course the first of its kind; the hugely successful and famous game has millions of fans from all around the globe and it’s just normal to come across some bugs and glitches every other time.

The recent bug however affects the latest Overwatch hero Sigma; and it causes his attacks to stop midway in a weird and amusing posture – his arms freeze strangely! A Reddit user drew attention to this Sigma glitch by sharing with other fans how the arms were frozen and outstretched in an unusual way.

The Overwatch bug seems to be disappearing and returning to Sigma in an unidentified pattern. Fans of course started to make fun of this recent issue happening to Overwatch’s Sigma, and they made and shared some memes and jokes about it. And whilst this bug doesn’t cause lots of major problems when playing Overwatch, developers are expected to fix the issue soon enough.

Security Expert


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